Pau Vendrell Espluga

Graphic Designer and Art Director based in Barcelona. Continuously learning and iterating.

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Editorial Design

Photography and editorial design for a photobook.

Kalidoscopi is a passion project of mine. The result of a recapitulation exercise that begins with the feeling of having reached the end of childhood. The questioning of concepts such as love, memory or family lead me to photograph objects from my home.
This work is a connection of these objects to each other as if they were points, creating a constellation that evokes a universal and transgenerational memory. What began motivated by a serious and expansive pain, is released and offers intimacy, tenderness and a desire to celebrate, in the broadest sense of the word: living.


This project was originally intended as a book, but it has also been exhibited twice at Lumínic Festival 2023 and Art Photo Bcn 2023.