Pau Vendrell Espluga

Graphic Designer and Art Director based in Barcelona. Continuously learning and iterating.

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↗ @pau___vendrell


Art Direction and Editorial Design

Art direction, visual identity and editorial design for a magazine.


Vigília is a magazine to foster thought, encounter and creation for emerging artists. In an atomized and hiperactive context, Vigília whishes to bring creative people together and offer a safe space for pause and introspection. By reading iconic texts on art theory, we assert thought as a key tool for social transformation.

Featured on this issue:

Alba Albet, Jordi Alcalá, Laura Aranda, Sira Bayot, Alan Balzac, Júlia Bröll, Albert Calderó, Judit Gil, Pol Del Alcázar, Daksh Kaushik and Josep Sancho.