UX/UI and graphic designer based in Barcelona, working in product design and branding. Continuously learning and iterating.

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Pau Vendrell Espluga


Ridebnb - 2024

Research, user experience design and interface design for a bike rental service.

Based on Airbnb’s app, the challenge was to design a new functionality that would allow bicycle rental between individuals. It is an end-to-end project, from UX research to prototyping.

The interviews were revealing: most users wanted a much more flexible and immediate service than that of tourist apartments.

With that in mind, I designed a bike rental system with two different models, to meet the needs of users while maintaining the identity of Airbnb.

The app offers a more classic system to book bicycles in advance and for whole days. And for those who like to improvise, they can use the toggle button to explore the new Flash bikes, which are to be used immediately and only for a few hours.

Details of the process and the final result are shown below.